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The Many Ways on the Camino Portugués

The Camino Portugués or the Portuguese Way is not a single route, but offers the pilgrimage traveler many options. The main, central route travels 617 kilometers from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. The portion from Lisbon to Porto is approximately 375 kilometers, and from Porto, along the Central Route it is approximately 242 kilometers, and along the Coastal Route, a bit longer at 274 kilometers. If you choose all or part of the Senda Litoral, it will be longer still (see each individual day for complete figures). 

In our opinion, the section from Lisbon to Porto that we walked had an altogether different feel than the sections from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. In our experience, they were very distinct Caminos, regardless of which route you choose from Porto.

To add confusion and/or interest, depending on your point of view, there are three distinct routes from Porto: the Central, classic route, the Coastal route which rarely hugs the actual coastline and the Senda Litoral which does. There is also the special, spiritual variant of the Central Route, the Variante Espiritual, yet another choice on your way to Santiago de Compostela!

Then, add to the mix that you are traveling in two separate and unique countries, and the Camino Portugués from Porto has two distinct sections, the part that walks through Portugal and the part that walks through Spain. 

It is easy to see why I call this Camino, "the many ways of the Camino Portugues!"

"Give me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of Salvation, My gown of glory (hope's true gage), And then I'll take my Pilgrimage." ~  Sir Walter Raleigh, The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage, 1603

Camino Portugués EBooks

Take a look at our Camino Portugués Guides, depicting our own personal journey, in PDF, eBook format for you to download to your device. You can read it anywhere, and take it with you on your pilgrimage. Our eBooks are packed with detailed information to help you have the most successful pilgrimages possible, plus entertain you with our story! Click here for more info!

Pilgrim’s Office in Lisbon at the Igreja da Conceição Velha 

Igreja da Conceição Velha, Home of the Pilgrim's OfficeIgreja da Conceição Velha, Home of the Pilgrim's Office in Lisbon

Recently, the Portuguese Camino has opened a pilgrim’s office in Lisbon. This is a wonderful source of information! It is down the hill from the Sé de Lisboa, the main cathedral and in the heart of the tourist center along the Rua da Alfândega, number 108. It is within the Igreja da Conceição Velha, in a small room. Just look for the signs in the entryway. Opening hours are short, from 14:30 - 1800. You can get a credential, a scallop shell and your first stamp here. 

A Brief History of the Camino Portugués

The Fabulous City of Lisbon, and the Praça do ComercioThe Fabulous City of Lisbon, and the Praça do Comercio

The Portuguese Camino rose to significance in the mid-12th Century, soon after the country gained its independence. Traveling on established cultural, economic and spiritual roads, often utilizing original Roman roads, the human bonds that were created then, as now, transcended political boundaries. 

Major networks of roads in Portugal were established along the Pilgrim's Way, passing through Lisboa, Santarém, Coimbra, Porto, Barcelos, Ponte de Lima and crossing the River Minho into Galicia.

Portugal's "Holy Queen," Queen Isabel in the 14th Century traveled to Santiago from Lisbon. Along with other nobles and high-ranking clergy, she contributed to the popularity and devotion to the Jacobean cult. 

Queen Isabel even offered up her crown to the altar in Santiago and was buried in Coimbra with a pilgrim's staff to show her devotion. 

Likewise, in 1502, King Manuel I left orders for a lamp to be lit around the clock in the cathedral of Santiago, as a memoir of his stay, and even assigned an annual payment to cover its cost. 

In the 19th century, the Portuguese Camino enjoyed even more popularity, becoming the most-traveled Jacobean route, because of strife in France who was in revolution, and the French invasion of Spain by Napoleon. In this century, over 80% of foreign pilgrims were from Portugal. *

In recent history, the Camino Portugués is becoming more and more popular, especially the shorter routes from Porto. 

*Historical information taken from the brochure on the Portuguese Way, provided by the Portuguese Tourist Office.

A Bird's Eye View of Porto, PortugalA Bird's Eye View of Porto

The Maps of the Camino Portugués

Below are the maps I created with my GPS files, which I have uploaded to Google Maps. As an added bonus, I have added features to each map, to include accommodations, eateries, fountains, churchs and more, that are pertinent to the pilgrim. Just click on a feature to see more information, and for direct links to accommodations, etc. 

The maps below are fully interactive, for your use on this webpage, like a maps-only guide to the Camino!

If you wish to open and retain a map on your own device, click on the Google sharing links I provided before each map.

For the Lisbon to Porto map, click on this Google sharing link. The map that opens on the device you are currently using will have all these same features you will need to plan a successful pilgrimage! 

For my Porto to Santiago via the Coastal Route map, click on this Google sharing link. You will notice portions along the Coastal Route in orange. That is the Senda Litoral, another coastal option that hugs the coastline - see the explanation farther below.

For my Porto to Santiago via the Central Route map, click on this Google sharing link.

For my Variante Espiritual Route map, click on this Google sharing link.

My total kilometers/miles figures may be different than other sources of information out there, as everyone’s footsteps are different. However, we have made every effort to make our information as clean and accurate as possible. Please realize that the kilometer/mileage figures are approximations only!


On your laptop, on the map above, just click on the box in the upper right hand corner, "View larger map" and it will open automatically in Google maps. 

For a mobile device, consider using the free Google Maps App. Then, click on the box in the upper right hand corner, "View larger map" and it will open automatically in the Google Maps App, or in your browser window (click on "Save" if prompted in your browser and if you want to access it again). 

If you click out of the map and want to access it again, in order to find it again, on a laptop, just go to, click the second icon on the task bar on the left that says "Saved." On the window that opens, on the far right click on "Maps." You will see a list of maps that you have opened in the past. Just click on the one you want!

To access the map again, on a mobile device, using the Google Maps App, open the App. On the taskbar on the bottom of the page, find the "You" flag or the "Saved" flag, and click on it. Scroll down to the bottom and on the lower right, find the "Maps" icon and click on it. You will see a list of maps. Find the one you want and click on it! On a mobile device, using from your browser, click on the drop-down menu under the tile "Google Maps." Scroll down until you see "My Maps." Click on it and the map should be there!

If you wish to upload my GPS tracks to your GPS device, open the shared link I provided above, and click on the three dots by the title to open a drop down menu. In the menu that appears, click on "Export to KML/KMZ." On the window that appears, click on "Entire Map" for another drop down. On this menu, choose the option that says " Tracks." Next, click on "Export as KML..." if you prefer this format to KMZ. Then click "Download." You now have a file with the tracks only to successfully upload to your GPS device.

It is important to note that my maps are not offline maps, but you will need to have a data plan. If your mobile phone has eSIM capability (almost all newer phones do), I highly recommend the Roamless eSIM for your data (and calling) needs. It is the only eSIM you will ever need and you can forget traditional roaming. You activate it only once, never having to swap eSIMs ever again, even when traveling to multifple countries. The inexpensive data you purchase never expires, and is a pay-as-you-go model. Find out more by clicking here and be a savvy traveler!


The official Portuguese Camino Group, the Via Lusitana, publishes a list of albergues for the entire Portuguese Way, starting in Lisbon. You can go to it by clicking here. This is not an exhaustive list for accommodations, but is for albergues only.

To book ahead on any of the routes you can search for a city in booking. com. It's the best online reservation system, and I will earn a small commission if you reserve through my links. I thank you for your support for providing you this convenience!  

Some of the best advice on accommodations came from talking with fellow pilgrims and the locals. Plus, I hope that my web pages will help you plan your Camino as well as you read through!

I recommend reading each day’s journey the night before you walk it, when you have wifi, so you can be fully prepared for what is to come! If you get into trouble the Via Lusitana offers an SOS number, at +351 915-595-213. Please program this number into your phone now. They speak fluent English. 

While I have made this information as accurate as possible, please be aware that any Camino is a fluid thing, always changing! If you find that any of our information is incorrect, we warmly invite you to contact us and let us know! This will help all future pilgrims on their journey and will be greatly appreciated by all!

What is Uniquely Portuguese?

  • The Culture: While you may think that Portugal is a lot like Spain, I found that it is, and that it isn't! While you can find many similarities, it remains a very distinct country. I tried to use my Spanish here, with some success, but generally, the Portuguese do not like to speak Spanish. 
  • The People: We found the Portuguese to be the most amazingly helpful people. All you need to do is ask and they will go out of their way to be helpful. Several experiences we had, from a shopkeeper actually walking us to a shop when we asked where to find a product, to a local mason offering to drive our friend, who could walk no more, to the next town! This is an amazing culture which I learned to love and appreciate very much! If ever there was a culture in which you could walk alone and trust that you will be cared for, it would be Portugal. 
  • The Price: The price of things are even lower than in Spain. Two café con leites (same as Spain's café con leche, or coffee with milk) and two pastries are unbelievably cheap. The albergues almost always gave you real sheets, not disposable ones for under 20 Euro/person/night. Small family-run hotels, which we stayed in a lot, were around 50 Euro, so why not have your own bathroom if there are two of you and it is so inexpensive? 
  • Pastel: The pastries are to die for, my very favorite being the Pastel de Nata (cream pastry). It is a lovely little custard tart that we ate whenever we could! While all the other pastries look fabulous, trust me, the Nata is the best! One of our greatest sadness came when we walked into Spain and no more Nata!
Portuguese pastel de nataPastel de Nata, Custard Tart, Top and Center
  • Azulejos Tile: The amazing murals that you see throughout Portugal, are made with the Azulejos tile. They are simply fantastic and unique to Portugal. 
Azulejos Blue Tile, line the wall of the  Igreja do Carmo in Porto, PortugalAzulejos Blue Tile, Line the Wall of the Igreja do Carmo in Porto
  • Cobblestone: The Portuguese love their cobblestone. You find it in every town and in the most surprising places, like this country road below. It is so lovely, and yet so hard on the feet and ankles! You will find cobblestone everywhere throughout the country. I was never so happy to enter Spain for the sole reason that the cobblestone would finally end! And believe me, it truly doesn't end until you leave Portugal. Plan your footwear accordingly!
Cobblestone Country Road, PortugalCobblestone Country Road
  • Fátima: You know you're in Portugal when the most popular Camino is not to Santiago de Compostela, but to Fátima. We saw more pilgrims heading to Fátima than we did to Santiago! From Lisbon to Santarém, the routes are the same. Then the camino to Fátima splits. After Tomar, the routes and arrows are opposite directions as the Camino to Fátima heads south. You will see a yellow arrow pointing one way, and the blue arrow to Fátima pointing the opposite way. You can see the yellow Camino de Santiago arrow in the photo of this waymarker, just below the blue arrow. 
Shared Camino Waymark, Santiago and FátimaShared Camino Waymark, Santiago and Fátima

It is said that if you do not understand the phenomenon of Fátima, you will not understand the Portuguese culture.

If you are unfamiliar with Our Lady of Fátima, it is the name for the Blessed Virgin Mary given by the Catholic Church in 1917, after three young shepherd children saw her as an apparition, in a field in central Portugal. There is a shrine to her in the location of the visions, in the town of Fátima and one can see her image throughout Portugal, and even in Galicia.

Altar in Church to FátimaAltar in Church to Fátima
Home Tile Mural to FátimaHome Tile Mural to Fátima

Fátima is very easy to spot, as she wears a crown on her head, and often is depicted with the 3 children kneeling before her, as in the photo of this mural. Almost every church has an altar to her, and I even spotted her in the cathedral at Santiago! She is highly venerated among the Portuguese Catholics. 

  • Springtime Oranges and Lemons: One of the incredible delights on the Camino Portugués from Lisbon to Porto, in April, were the orange and lemon trees. We passed by one abandoned tree after another, where the fruit was just falling unused to the ground. We would eat 2-3 oranges everyday, just by finding them along the Camino!
Picking Oranges On the Camino PortuguésRich Picking Oranges Along the Way
  • Tropical Flowers: The springtime aroma in the section from Lisbon to Porto was nothing short of fantastic! Flowers were in bloom everywhere, and we were surprised and delighted with the many, many tropical varieties that we saw. Calla Lilies were growing wild everywhere, Bird-of-Paradise, Christmas Cactus, Alstroemeria, and many, many more. The tropical flavor of Portugal is one of the many unique aspects of this Camino.
Tropical Bird-of-ParadiseTropical Bird-of-Paradise
  • Wine/Food: While Spain also has delicious wine, the Camino Portugués from Lisbon to Porto walks by field after field of grape vines. They have unique types of grapes, the wine is very inexpensive, and if you don't ask for wine with dinner, they think you are nothing short of crazy! The food is unique as well, with many unfamiliar dishes, and much more variety. 
Endless Vineyards Between Lisbon and Porto on the Camino PortuguésEndless Vineyards Between Lisbon and Porto
  • Cork Trees: Unique to Portugal are the magnificent and majestic cork trees. Keep your eyes open for them as you walk the Camino Portugués between Lisbon and Porto. You can also see purses and souvenirs made of cork, for sale throughout Portugal. Only the bark is stripped from the tree, allowing it to be harvested every nine years. Since cork is not endangered, support the country by buying these products. 
Cork Tree with Yellow Camino Arrow on the Camino Portugués.Cork Tree with Yellow Camino Arrow
  • The greeting along the Way is not Buen Camino, but Bom Caminho, said like bong camEENyo. You will also frequently hear their version of bon voyage, or Bom Viagem, said like bong veeAJe, with the "j" as the ge in garage. Good day is Bom Dia, or bong DEEa. 

The Truth About the Route from Lisbon to Porto

You have already read above, the Camino Portugués is filled with wonders, most notably the longer, 400 km section from Lisbon to Porto. It is said that once you leave the touristy city of Lisbon, it is only then, that you encounter the "true" Portugal. I wholeheartedly agree! Portugal is worth exploring, in its every nook and cranny, that is beautiful, fruitful and full of history. 

Fortunately, route-finding has never been easier, as the waymarking has improved vastly in recent years. There are new signage posts verywhere and new information boards at key points. Yellow arrows are still important in places, but not as much. 

Yes, the stages are long with less support services than the section after Porto. However, in my opinion, a true pilgrimage should never be without a bit of hardship, will and determination. This is also changing as more and more albergues are popping up!  

With just a bit of extra planning regarding shortening your stages if needed, always carrying plenty of water and food, you will be just fine! Unlike the Camino Francés, you cannot just put your brain on autopilot, expecting things to appear shortly after you need something. Plus the Portuguese are so willing to help if you need it! 

The one thing I would advise here, is that you do have a phone service that you can call the Via Lusitana SOS number, if you get into trouble. It is +351-915-595-213. They are the organization that supports and maintains the Camino Portugués

I heard from many pilgrims on Facebook and the Camino Forum that we would be walking through lots of ugly industrial areas, especially when walking out of Lisbon. Yes, we did walk through a few industrial zones, but it was never for long. And we were pleasantly surprised at the walk out of Lisbon, along the Tejo River, on promenades, boardwalks and through the old 1998 World Expo site. It was nothing like I had expected and quite pleasant and cool along the river. Please feel free to click through to see my Day One on the Camino Portugués to see for yourself! 

For me, the most tedious was not walking through industrial areas, but the long, flat, and hot (even in April) gravel lanes through agricultural zones. Because services are few and far-between, one must carry plenty of food/water. In these areas, there is little to no shade, as the photo depicts below

Hot, flat, endless stretches of farmland, walking out of Lisbon on the Camino PortuguésHot, Flat, Forever Fields

I wore light and loose, long sleeve shirts to protect myself from the sun. My pants were too heavy to wear, or I would have worn pants as well. Sunscreen and sun hats are mandatory. I would even wet down a bandana to tuck under the back of my baseball cap to cool myself off! Make sure you have plenty of water if you do this!

There are lots of great towns and sights between Lisbon and Porto; Santarém, TomarCoimbra, and plenty of medieval and Roman bridges, Roman roads and the ruins of Conimbriga along the Way.

The Stunning Knight's Templar Church inside the Fortress at Tomar, PortugalThe Stunning Knight's Templar Church inside the Fortress at Tomar
The Historic University Town of Coimbra, PortugalThe Historic University Town of Coimbra

The ugly truth along the Camino Portugués, is that there are really, really fast drivers. Indeed there are stretches along very busy and/or narrow highways that one must not ignore the danger. In fact, one could take a lesson from the Fátima pilgrims, who all wear fluorescent-striped traffic vests when they walk! And they are Portuguese!

The Portuguese drive so fast and come so close to the pedestrians, that an old saying I learned from a young farm boy in high school who continually drove the same way, came to mind: "An inch is as good as a mile!" Yes, in Portugal, an inch IS as good as a mile!

Once you acclimate to this ugly truth you will be just fine. Here are our recommendations when walking on roads:

  1. Step aside when the road is extremely narrow when a car approaches, if at all possible. The time you lose may save your life.  
  2. Wear visible clothing - bright colors or safety vests.
  3. Stay alert at all times, keeping music out of your ears, so you can hear oncoming traffic, from both directions. No matter how wide the road, it seemed like the Portuguese take their half out of the middle, every time, and severely cut corners around bends. 
  4. Always keep to the left side, facing traffic, with two exceptions:
  5. First, when the shoulder on the right is a wider, safer options, cross over to the right, with your back towards oncoming traffic, or
  6. Second, when a blind curve is ahead, when you are walking facing the traffic, it is safer to cross the other side until you pass the blind curve. 

I was amazed at how frequently I saw pilgrims walking out into the road, on both sides, ignoring the traffic. Not only is this discourteous to the natives who have to deal with pilgrims every day, but you are truly taking your life into your hands. Pedestrians may have the right-of-way, but speeding drivers do not have sufficient time to react!

While there are sections of road walking, I felt it was not that horrible. The reason it feels horrible is the speed of the drivers. Most drivers are Monte Carlo wannabes! If you do the Camino Portugués, please wear brightly colored clothes, or a safety vest. It will be money well spent.

Another very different aspect of the Camino Portugués from Lisbon to Porto is the lack of throngs of pilgrims. However, this is now changing as more and more pilgrims “find” this Camino. This is neither  good nor bad, just different. What I can guarantee you is miles and miles of solitary farmland that will lead you into reflection, if that is what you seek. 

In Portugal, the pilgrimage to Fátima takes precedence. The Portuguese don't understand why you would want to walk to Santiago and not Fátima! This is an aspect of their culture in which you will have to adjust. Especially if you are hooked on the Camino de Santiago - which we all are!

Despite these few pitfalls, I can say with my whole heart that the section of the Camino Portugués from Lisbon to Porto, all 400 kilometers of it is worth it! Just do it! Adapting to what is, is the way of the pilgrim after all, isn't it? 

Old Roman Bridge, North of Agueda, PortugalOld Roman Bridge, North of Agueda

Three Choices of Routes from Porto to SDC

The Camino Portugués is the most popular after Porto. We found it to be a totally different Camino than the section before Porto. With so many new pilgrims starting here, and so many different routes to choose, with many diversions back and forth between the routes, we were seeing new faces every day. 

The Central Route is the most traditional and most historical route. From Pontevedra, Spain there is yet another route called the Variante Espiritualwhich is perhaps one of the loveliest, albeit shortest Camino alternatives which in my humble opinion should not be missed! 

There is the Coastal Route which has been gaining a lot of popularity in more recent years. There is some discussion regarding whether or not this route was an official pilgrimage route in medieval times, but there is some evidence that shows that it may have been used. 

Thirdly, there is the Senda Litoral, not an actual separate route, but coastal alternatives at times. It literally hugs the coastline on boardwalks and on the beach itself. While this route is fully waymarked, you literally just keep the ocean on your left!

There is a large project underway to build trails and/or boardwalks along the entire Senda Litoral, but it appears that it will be many years until it is completed. At times the Coastal joins the Senda Litoral, but mostly it does not. At times on the Senda there is absolutely no route to follow except along rocky coastline, rivers and marshes, so we only followed the Senda Litoral when there were waymarked boardwalks or established, paved trails.

Several times we did choose to walk several kilometers on the beach, but only if it was hard packed and easily accessed. The Senda Litoral is almost always longer than staying on the Coastal Route, and it often depended on how tired we were or how far out of the way it was, which route we chose.

We also felt like the weather would have also influenced our choice. Wind and rain along the coast is not very pleasant, but we were lucky and had mostly gorgeous weather. 

As you can see below, the coastline boardwalks are quite nice and very inviting! We are from Colorado, so this was important to us. It is all a matter of preference! 

Boardwalks Abound on the Senda Litoral, Camino PortuguésBoardwalks Abound on the Senda Litoral

However, for the purpose of our eBooks, we have now walked all the routes to assist you in your own selection and your own preferences. 

What Does Your Camino Portugués Look Like?

I hope our introduction to the Camino Portugués has helped you in your own decision-making process. I will continue to add articles of each and every leg of our journey, as I can. It was truly unique from the others we have done. I promise you that I will give you the good, the bad and the ugly!

May your pilgrimage roads be full of wisdom and direction! May you always be mindful of how you impact the landscape, the culture and your own life! May you be the pilgrimage traveler who is aware of all that is around you!

Downloadable Camino Portugués eBooks in PDF Format ~ Get Your Copy Today!  Don't carry a hard copy guide book to increase your pack weight. Use our digital guides on your next Camino instead. 

The Variante Espiritual is Brand-New, Hot off my writing desk!

The Lisbon to Porto eBook is now updated to include the brand new boardwalk route along the river on the first day out of Lisbon!

And the Journey Continues:

~ Lisbon to Porto

~ Porto to Santiago Via the Coastal Route and/or the Sendal Litoral

~ Porto to Santiago Via the Central Route

Your Opinion Matters! Comments

Have you had a similar experience, have some advice to give, or have something else you'd like to share? We would love to hear from you! Please leave us a comment in the box below.

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Many readers contact me, Elle, to thank me for all the time and care that I have spent creating this informative website. If you have been truly blessed by my efforts, have not purchased an eBook, yet wish to contribute, I am very grateful. Thank-you! 

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Need suggestions on what to pack for your next pilgrimage? Click Here or on the photo below!

Carbon Trekking Poles

Carbon fiber construction (not aluminum) in a trekking pole makes them ultra lightweight. We like the Z-Pole style from Black Diamond so we can hide our poles in our pack from potential thieves before getting to our albergue! There are many to choose from!  (See more of our gear recommendations! )

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