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Day Eleven on the Camino Portugués
~ Mealhada (Sernadelo) to Águeda, 23.4 Km (14.54 miles)

Our day eleven on the Camino Portugués was a lonely walk through small towns, not-so-nice industrial areas that surprised us with a "spirited" Camino Angel, yet also included a joyful reunion with our Aussie mates after two days of separation.

"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Don't you think that it is interesting that I would include a quote on loneliness when I was walking with my husband, Rich? Indeed, while we shared one another's company, we also walked in silence on the long and lonely roads, without sight of another pilgrim.

Our day eleven on the Camino Portugués also invited us to discuss, once again the meaning of it all - life, happiness, pilgrimage and our purpose in life. 

Map and Stats of Day Eleven on the Camino Portugués

Here is the map I created from my own GPS tracks. The map is entirely interactive. I placed the albergues/hotels/cafés on the map for your convenience.

As you can see on the map, the official route, as usual, is in blue, and it ends at the large roundabout in the center of Águeda, after you cross the river. I have included, in red, an extension of the day to the private Sto. Antonio Albergue (in the Residencial Celeste complex), because it is the most economical albergue in Águeda and many pilgrims stop here.

If you are walking through Águeda, the official Camino goes to the left at the same roundabout, instead of straight up the hill. However, you can still take the red albergue route, if you want to shave off 400 meters from the day; see day twelve’s route description.

There are not a lot of services along the route, but there are enough, if you plan the day right. There are lots of gorgeous places to stop for a picnic if you have food with you. As always, my advice is to keep food and plenty of water in your pack at all times. 

Note the two elevation profiles for the day. The first ends in the center of Águeda and the second is the 1.2 kilometer continuation to the Albergue Sto. António. Ups and downs are the norm, with a descent to Águeda on the river, and then, if you are going to the albergue, a short climb back up. With only 25 kilometers to accomplish, for me, this day was quite manageable.

Elevation Profile for Day Eleven, Camino Portugués, Mealhada to Águeda, Roundabout in the CenterElevation Profile for Day Eleven, Camino Portugués, Mealhada to Águeda to the Roundabout in the Center
Elevation Profile for Day Eleven, Camino Portugués, Mealhada to ÁguedaElevation Profile for Day Eleven, Camino Portugués, Mealhada to Águeda, to the Albergue St. Antonio

Photo-Rich Travelogue of Day Eleven on the Camino Portugués

Our day began bright and early, at dawn, close to 0700. We had had a cold breakfast of bread, cheese and gorgeous in-season strawberries in our room, including cold milk into which we stirred instant coffee! Whala! No need to find an open café right away. We knew that there were few services on this leg so we had a pack filled with supplies we bought in Mealhada. 

The town fountain greeted us as we walked out of the Residencial Hilário and albergue complex, and onto the Rua Fonte (Fountain Street). You can see the fountain on the right, in the little white building with the red roof. Right after the fountain, turn right onto the Rua 25 de Abril.

Starting Out on the Rua FonteStarting Out on the Rua Fonte

The road was wet, as it had rained during the night. We got into a rhythm quickly as we walked along, turning left to join the Rua Carvalhas, after 400 meters more, shown below. 

Follow the Rua Carvalhas on Day Eleven of the Camino PortuguésFollow the Rua Carvalhas on Day Eleven of the Camino Portugués

The Rua Carvalas quickly turns to dirt and walks out of Mealhada and into the countryside. I was energetic as I always am to start the day. 

Rua Carvalhas and Pavement End Here at the GreenhousesRua Carvalhas and Pavement End Here at the Greenhouses

Following the well waymarked path, we turned into a lovely eucalyptus forest, by now a common sight. 

Turn Left into the Eucalyptus ForestTurn Left into the Eucalyptus Forest

Out of the forest after another quarter kilometer, we followed the waymark towards the first town of Alpalhão. The total distance on the dirt lane is about 800 meters, when the Way joins the pavement before town after 1.65 kilometers, total.

Turn Left Again Towards Alpalhão in the Municipality of AnadiaTurn Left Again Towards Alpalhão in the Municipality of Anadia

It was here that the dusky sky started to darken. We even saw lightning in the clouds ahead. So far there was absolutely no rain on our pilgrimage! Was day eleven on the Camino Portugués finally going to be the exception?

Sky DarkensSky Darkens

I have to say that I didn't care if it rained! I was enchanted by the tumultuous-looking sky.

Getting Close to Alpalhão on the Tractor Lane in the Municipality of Anadia on the Portuguese CaminoGetting Close to Alpalhão on the Tractor Lane

By the time we arrived in town, it actually looked like it may have already rained. 

Entering the town of Alpalhão in the Municipality of Anadia on the Portuguese WayEntering the town of Alpalhão

After reaching the center of town, after about 1.9 kilometers, turn right at the church. After a few more meters, turn right again on the north side of town as you walk along the Estrada Poços. 

Turn Right at Town ChurchTurn Right at Town Church

Then all of a sudden, it seemed the sky just opened up as the sun was rising higher in the sky!

Sky opening and clearing on day eleven of the Camino PortuguésSky Opening and Clearing!

Along the Estrada Poços, verdant fields of grape vines greeted us as we walked towards the next town of Aguim. 

Vineyards along Estrada Poços Outside TownVineyards along Estrada Poços Outside Town

The first group of animals appeared, these sheep below. This would be a recurrent theme for our day eleven on the Camino Portugués.

Sheep Along the Way with Aguim Alight in the BackgroundSheep Along the Way with Aguim Alight in the Background

The Camino essentially walks toward the town of Aguim on the Estrada Poços, turns right at a T-intersection near the center of town by a little chapel, after about 3.4 kilometers into the day, then the next left onto the Estrada da Várzea. While we saw no café anywhere thus far, however, at the T-intersection in Aguim, there is a sign for a café to the left. There are several after only 150 meters.

Several hundred meters after turning onto the Estrada da Várzea, the street changes its name to the Estrada da Vinhal, and the sidewalk is replaced with a red bike/walking path on both sides of the road.

We continued on the smooth bike path for about another kilometer, when we came to a T-intersection where there is school to the right and a huge sports complex for the Municipality of Anadia ahead. The Way goes left along the continued red path shown below, that follows the Rua Val de Azar by the complex. 

Turn Left onto Path Along the Rua Val de Azar at the Anadia Sports ComplexTurn Left onto Path Along the Rua Val de Azar at the Anadia Sports Complex

We walked along this nice athletic path on the southside of the complex, for about 250 meters to a large roundabout, turned right onto the school road on the west side with the school stadium still on our right, pictured below.

The Portuguese Way travels around this large complex, and turns to the left onto the main road on the northside, towards Anadia

Around the Sports Complex of Anadia to the West on the Camino PortuguésAround the Sports Complex to the West

After the school sports complex, about 650 meters onward, we walked through a roundabout, passed a convenient Grab & Go vending area, turned left, then climbed a hill on a busy paved road, the Rua Prof. Dr. Rodrigues Lapa. If you were to go straight instead, there is the large, Hotel Anadia Cabecinho, a possible accommodation in Anadia.

In less than 200 meters, you come to another roundabout, taking the first right and taking a more northerly direction onto the Rua da Bela Vista, all the while skirting the center of Anadia to the west.

300 meters later, cross the busy N235, and turn left here at the Largo Avenida and a gorgeous Portuguese home, shown below. At this small square you are just shy of 7.0 kilometers for the day.

Gorgeous Portuguese Home on the Largo Avenida in AnadiaGorgeous Portuguese Home on the Largo Avenida in Anadia

A few steps later, turn left again, and onto the Rua Justino Sampaio Alegre, below. 

Another Quick Left Here at the Anadia SignAnother Quick Left Here at Yellow House

We continued to skirt the town to the west on this lovely street, the Rua Justino Sampaio Alegre, below, with yet another great foot path to the right.

We crossed over the street and joined the red footpath, since it was definitely easier on the feet than the cobblestone sidewalk, and it was all downhill! The view of the valley to our left was gorgeous, with the light shining through the clouds. The sun continued to break through, as you can see.

Along the Rua Justino Sampaio AlegreAlong the Rua Justino Sampaio Alegre

Almost at the bottom of the hill and the end of the wonderful street, pass by a nice water fountain. You will walk on this street for about a total of 700 meters, then at the bottom of the hill, turn right onto the Rua Cabo.

Fountain along the Rua Justino Sampaio AlegreFountain along the Rua Justino Sampaio Alegre

Next, it was a small uphill climb to the church in the next small town of Arcos. Reach the church after 7.73 kilometers, approximately.

Approaching the Igreja Paroquial de Sáo Paio in AnadiaApproaching the Igreja Paroquial de Sáo Paio in Anadia

We still had not seen any open cafés so far along the route despite walking almost a full 8 kilometers on day eleven on the Camino Portugués.

The Camino turns to the right after the church, onto the Rua da Igreja. There are two cafés along this street, so look to see if they are open when you walk through.

If you were to turn left behind the church, in a few meters is the Casa de Arcos, a potential accommodation. 

We walked on the Rua da Igreja a mere 150 meters, turned left onto the Rua Calçada, and were back into the countryside in no time. Here we are on our way into the next small town of Alféloas. The "town mayor" greeted us and walked with us into town! It was as if he was waiting for the next pilgrimage traveler to come along!

The Town Mayor Greets Us in Alféloas on day eleven of the Portuguese CaminoThe Town Mayor Greets Us in Alféloas...
And Escorts Us Into Town!And Escorts Us Into Town!

Our day of meeting animals was continuing! We so enjoyed our escort to town. 

It wasn't until we entered the center of Alféloas that we found this open café, below, after approximately 8.5 kilometers into our day. It was perfect timing for us for our first break and I was ready to put up my feet and have a real cup of coffee ~ and pastry, of course!

Our only clue that this building was a café was the red Sagres beer sign by the door! It had no name and no identification outside at all! If you are in need of a cup of coffee or a bite to eat, look closely to find it!

Café Alféloas on day eleven of the Portuguese CaminoCafé Alféloas

The proprietress of this café was extremely friendly and helpful. We had a lively conversation  with another local (mostly one-sided on her part) regarding the legend of Fátima. She was negating the phenomenon, and while everything she said was valid, I did not want to burst the concept. It was better for me to believe and feel the magic of the legend and of the Camino while I was here! 

After a longer break than planned we set off again, staying to the left at the next, Y-intersection with a cross. And lo and behold, another dog was on the north side waiting to escort us out of town! We laughed as he trotted along with us as we left Alféloas, then veered off, most likely to wait for the next pilgrim to come along! 

At the next Y-intersection, where the dog is pictured, stay to the right.

Doggie Escort Out of Alféloas on day eleven of the Portuguese CaminoDoggie Escort Out of Alféloas

Continuing onward about 100 meters, cross a more prominent highway at 9.1 kilometers, and turn left immediately after, onto the Rua Vale Salgueiro.

Walk another 1/4 kilometer, come to a T-intersection and turn right onto the N334, briefly. After only a few meters, turn to the left by a white tower, onto the Rua Solidariedade.

Walking Thru First Industrial Zone on the Rua Solidariedade on the Camino PortuguésWalking Thru First Industrial Zone on the Rua Solidariedade

Now, the pilgrimage traveler must walk through one of two industrial areas on day eleven of the Camino Portugués. The next section of the Camino is about 1.5 kilometers of industrial buildings and then lots of eucalyptus forest growing and harvesting sites.

After the 1.5 kilometers, come to a T-intersection, where the Camino bends to the right, to head northwest for the next kilometer, towards the next town of Avelãs de Caminho. There is a large information board here and a solitary white industry building.

As you near the outskirts of town pass by a cemetery. After the town is clearly in view, come to another T-intersection, and go left, to intersect with the IC2 after a few meters.  

Turn right onto the familiar IC2, to walk into the center of Avelãs de Caminho, after approximately 11.7 kilometers total for the day.

Joining the IC2 on the Way to Avelãs on the Camino PortuguésJoining the IC2 on the Way to Avelãs

After arriving at the first intersection, below, you have a choice to make. Go to the right to stay on the official route, OR, if you want a café, just stay on the main road. It makes no difference, as the official route parallels the IC2 until it rejoins it on the north end of town.

Decision Point in Avelãs de CaminhoDecision Point in Avelãs de Caminho

For the official route through town, just follow the Rua das Flores for 200 meters, turning left at a small traffic circle onto the Rua Seabra de Fonseca, until you come out at the IC2 after another 250 meters at the chapel pictured below, the Capela do Nosso Senhor dos Aflitos.

If you decide to walk through town there are many restaurants and cafés along the IC2. Once you have walked through town, the Way comes to this same chapel after about 1/2 kilometer. We turned off the IC2, to walk left here at the capela, toward the direction of São João do Azenha.

Take a left turn from the IC2 at CapelaTake a left turn from the IC2 at Capela

The street leaving Avelãs by the chapel becomes the Rua dos Combatentes as it enters the next town of Coito after about 850 meters. In town, we approached this wonderful chapel after a total of about 13.1 kilometers, below, with a rest area. I would have loved to have a break here, if only the timing was appropriate for our day eleven. 

Roadside Chapel and Resting Area in CoitoRoadside Chapel and Resting Area in Coito

Shortly after the chapel, the street changes its name to the Estrada Real, the historic, "Royal Road." 

The next town along the way is São João da Azenha, below, where you will arrive after another 800 meters from Coito. 

The large, long building on the right side of the photo is the Caves São João Wine Estate. We peered inside the shop, but alas it was closed. I didn’t want to carry a bottle of wine anyway! But a taste test would have been nice!

Entering São João da Azenha on the Estrada RealEntering São João da Azenha on the Estrada Real

Farther along on the Estrada Real we encountered the fountain, below, the Fonte de São João or Fountain of St. John. It did not appear functional, and we never drank from any of these wayside fountains. Nonetheless, it is a nice, historic landmark. 

Fonte de São João on Day Eleven, Camino PortuguésFonte de São João on Day Eleven, Camino Portugués

Just beyond the fountain, at this small chapel, in the Largo Fonte de São João, Square of St. John, below, the Camino turns left onto the Rua Alto da Póvoa. Here at this chapel, you are approximately 14 kilometers into your day.

Largo de São JoãoLargo de São João

After about one-third of a kilometer, you will pass yet another wine estate on your right, the Quinta da Grimpa, where they specialize in chardonnay! Another place I would have love to have stopped!

The Quinta da Grimpa Wine EstateThe Quinta da Grimpa Wine Estate

The Camino Portugués, on day eleven follows the Rua Alto da Póvoa for about one kilometer, all the way to Aguadela/ Aguada de Baixo, below. When you see this sign you have reached the 15 kilometer mark.

Entering the Municipality of Águeda and the Parish of Aguada de BaixoEntering the Municipality of Águeda and the Parish of Aguada de Baixo

There is a very inviting park bench under the weeping willow tree in Aguadela where stopped for our lunch. 

Inviting Picnic Spot in AguadelaInviting Picnic Spot in Aguadela

A sweet and friendly kitty soon jumped up on the park bench with us, after we opened our can of tuna to have with crackers. No surprise there! We gave her a morsel or two, of course!

Kitty Comes to the Smell of Canned Tuna on the Camino PortuguésKitty Comes to the Smell of Canned Tuna

Walking on after lunch, next the intersection, below, appeared, with its teeny tiny chapel, the Capela de Nossa Senhora da Memória. Stay to the right at this chapel.

Stay Right at this Chapel in Aguadela on Day Eleven, Camino PortuguésStay Right at this Chapel in Aguadela on Day Eleven, Camino Portugués

Not even  a kilometer from Aguadela, we walked into Aguada de Baixo, passed by this shrine, below, and through the town square after abpot 16 kilometers total. There is a café/pastry shop by the square, if you need.

Passing the Time of Day in the Square of Aguada de BaixoPassing the Time of Day in the Square of Aguada de Baixo

Yet another blue, Azulejo tile church greeted us in the square. There is also a nice information board here, in front of the church. 

Igreja de Aguada de BaixoIgreja de Aguada de Baixo

Head straight north after the church, following rural roads lined with country houses. Walk straight through the first crossroads, and continue where the road is lined with low walls. 

At the second crossroads, stay straight onward. You are in the small town of Landiosa, about 400 meters from the Aguada de Baixo square. 200 meters later, you will turn right onto the Rua Estrada Velha. This road ends at a T-intersection, after about one kilometer, and 18 kilometers total, and you turn right onto the Rua Porto da Moita to walk east under the familiar IC2 once again. 

Arrive at the first roundabout after about 1/3 kilometer, and turn left or north once again on an unnamed street into an area called Barró. This is not a pretty area and you are entering the second industrial area of the day. You will be on this industrial stretch for almost two kilometers!

Fortunately, the road is wide with a nice shoulder for the pilgrimage traveler to walk on!

Entering Second Industrial ZoneEntering Second Industrial Zone

Next, a large roundabout, below, greets you and you walk straight on through. 

Straight Through on the RoundaboutStraight Through on the Roundabout

It was blistering hot in April, as we walked along this ugly, industrial road, and not losing our spirit was our challenge.

My voice journal reflects how badly I felt! Everything hurt, my back, my neck and my shoulders. I even said that this was going to be my last Camino!

I was just not feeling it today! Rich continued to push hard to keep moving. I would stop to take photos, just because I had to bleepin' stopI guess he just wanted to get the walk over with! I was most definitely feeling very alone through this section. 

It was another day totally on pavement. The pounding on the pavement was just killing me! What started out as a possibility of rain, literally dried up and fried us in the afternoon as the sun beat on us to death.

The exhaustion, the pounding, the pavement, the industrial zone and the ugliness is all part of the Caminho. There was nothing to do other than to keep placing one foot after the other and keep going, regardless of how hot we were and regardless of how slowly I moved.

Heading North on Busy Industrial RoadHeading North on Busy Industrial Road

And then, when all was despair as we were walking up a long, hot, paved hill, above photo, a gentleman came running out of a building as we were walking by, yelling to us, "Momentito, momentito," and then in English, "Wait a minute, can you wait a minute?!!" We turned around, looked at him as he pointed with his finger to wait and ran back into the building. 

After a moment or two he came back out with two plastic bags, one for each of us. In it were two apples and a bottle of wonderfully cold water! 

Apples and Cold Water from our Camino AngelApples and Cold Water from our Camino Angel

What a sight for the pilgrimage traveler's eyes! We grinned from ear to ear and said "obrigado" so many times!

As it turned out, our Camino Angel was running out of a very famous Aguardente manufacturing company. If you haven't heard of Aguardente (we were introduced to it on day two), it is the Portuguese version of firewater, like nothing else we've had! Yes, it is a very potent clear liquor that will warm your mouth, throat, stomach and perhaps your heart too, if you are inclined to like strong spirits.

While Mr. Nelson did not give us any Aguardente to sample, as he knew we might not finish our day eleven on the Camino Portugués if he had, he did give us a brief tour of the storeroom and the family history of its production. 

Here is a photo of him and Rich, eating one of the crisp, cold apples! 

Our Camino Angel - Mr. NelsonOur Camino Angel - Mr. Nelson

I just had to take a photo of the blue mural on the wall, outside of the Aguardente building. Had we not been stopped by Mr. Nelson, I doubt I would have even noticed the place. In a spot where all I could think of was how fast I could walk through the horrible industrial zone, one of the most magical things on our Camino happened!

Aguardentes Velhos ~ NelsonAguardentes Velhos ~ Nelson

As it is often said, if you miss any steps along the way, whether through the good, the bad or the ugly, you may miss something that was intended just for you!

I was glad that we hadn't missed these steps through the industrial area on day eleven of our Camino Portugués. Our Camino Angel had renewed my strength and my belief in the kindness of the human heart!

We said goodbye, as we walked and drank our cold water and ate the most delicious apples I have ever eaten! 

Especially after this event, and throughout our day, Rich and I debated the meaning of our own lives. Of course, acts of kindness are a must. Going out of our way to help when we can, is a must. 

We contemplated what needed cleaning out in our own lives, and decided that we had simplified, downsized and de-stressed quite a bit already. We didn't feel like we needed to simplify our lives any farther. We were both newly retired and finding the pleasure of doing what we wished and when we wished. This was all quite satisfying until Rich's mother suffered her stroke the year prior. Suddenly, our lives were changed. 

Sneaking away for a 4-week Camino after nine months of parent-care was restful, nurturing and indulgent, to say the least! I relished this time, both with Rich, and with my aloneness. 

Finally, after about 2 kilometers on the industrial road, and 20.2 kilometers total for the day, we spied the yellow arrow on a pole, below. It was time to turn off this busy road, finally. 

Watch for Right Turn Onto Rua Estrada RealWatch for Right Turn Onto Rua Estrada Real

Next it was a dash across the street, and onto the Rua Estrada Real, once again on the Royal Road. After a strong bend in the road to the left and a few more meters, the Estrada Real follows long, high white walls, below.

The Wall-Lined Rua Estrada RealThe Wall-Lined Rua Estrada Real

Compared to the busy industrial road, the Estrada Real was narrow, but not busy at all. In fact, at times there are nice rural views along the way. After approximately another 1.5 kilometers after leaving the industrial area and continuing on the Estrada Real, you will come to a Y-intersection at this small shrine, pictured below. Stay to the left to continue on the ongoing Estrada Real. There is a café here on the corner as well. 

Stay Left at ShrineStay Left at Shrine

You have reached 21.7 kilometers into the day, at this shrine.

Only a hundred meters after the shrine, you can see the long downhill ahead, the steep drop into Águeda and the river. That is the city you see ahead in the photo below.

Spotting Águeda Ahead Toward the End of Day Eleven, Camino PortuguésSpotting Águeda Ahead Toward the End of Day Eleven, Camino Portugués

When you reach the bottom of the hill, 600 meters later, come to the busy N1 national highway. Cross it and continue straight onward onto the quiet cobblestone road, the Rua Dr. António Breda into the next town of Sardäo.

Cross to Narrow Street in SardäoNarrow Street in Sardäo

Walk onward through the south suburb, on this quaint street.

Continue on the Narrow Street in SardäoContinue on the Narrow Street in Sardäo

in a very short while the Way opens up and intersects with the M606, below. Here I am posing at this intersection, a bit weary looking! Walk straight across the street and onto a quiet cobblestone path.

Elle at Intersection with the M606Elle at Intersection with the M606

After crossing the M606, we were surprised to walk into Águeda on the lovely Rua Dr. Manuel Pinto, a cobblestone path, with a lovely footbridge along the way, below.

Cross FootbridgeCross Footbridge into Águeda

Next we walked through a tunnel, under another highway, coming to a T-intersection with the N1 about 600 meters later. 

Turn right onto the N1, to cross the bridge over the Rio Águeda, below, and into the heart of town.

The Bridge over the River Águeda that walks into town on day eleven of the Portuguese Camino.The Bridge over the River Águeda

You will pass by several places to eat on your way to the bridge, but we wanted to wait until we got into town before stopping. 

The bridge and the river are at the altitude low of the day, and 23.4 kilometers, total.

The first blue tile building across the bridge, to the right, in the photo above, and in the photo below, was an inviting looking café along the river, with outdoor tables. We walked around and down to the plaza to enjoy its view and order a café con leite and a pastry. 

We knew that we still had a long uphill climb out of Águeda after our break to end our day. 

Café Bar Gambuzinos Along the Rio ÁguedaCafé Bar Gambuzinos Along the Rio Águeda

If you don't want to climb the final hill to the albergue, you can always book a place down by the river. Click here to see your options. In addition to hotels there is the economical Águeda Hostal and Friends, which is a private albergue that allows you to prebook, if that is important to you. 

We opted to walk onward, the 1.23 kilometers, up the steep hill through town.

After crossing the river, the Rio Águeda, the Camino continues to the left from the roundabout in the center of town, and along the river. This is where the stage officially ends unless you are going onward to the private Albergue Sto. Antonio. For the continuation of the route from Águeda, see day twelve.

Across the roundabout, from the river, you will see the sign, below, pointing the way to the albergue, up the hill and onto the N1. 

Walking Through Águeda on the N1 on Day Eleven, Camino PortuguésWalking Through Águeda on the N1 on Day Eleven, Camino Portugués

1/2 kilometer later, walking up the hill, I found this waymark to be interesting, showing "albergue" embedded into the arrow on the waymark. I think this one was the first and only one like this we saw. I would not be surprised if it was place by the Residencial Hotel Celeste/Albergue Sto António!

"Albergue" Ahead on the N1"Albergue" Ahead on the N1

This final hill climb on the narrow shoulder of the N1 was not too pleasant, nor was it too bad. I was indeed happy to have had the coffee and pastry down by the river! It was definitely better than going the longer way along the river.

Here is Rich waving to me, to come on! 

Final Hill Climb to Albergue in ÁguedaFinal Hill Climb to Albergue in Águeda

Also up the hill is the interesting looking Bamboo Guest House. Click on the link for more info.

At the top of the hill, the welcoming sign of the Residencial Celeste finally appeared!

The Entrance to the Residencial Celeste and Albergue Sto. AntónioThe Entrance to the Residencial Celeste and Albergue Sto. António

This is the place where the Albergue Sto. António is also located. It looks like it is at a separate location on a Google map, but it is not. Go to the white building to register for the alberque, where you will see a sign by the reception door that says, "Albergue Reception Here." Both facilities are run by the Residencial Celeste. 

The albergue building is separate and off to the north side, while the white building, above contains the hotel part. We asked to see the albergue, and they had this lovely room for two, below, for less than the hotel, so we took it! It was private enough for us.

The dormitory rooms are of various sizes, and all are located upstairs in the separate building. 

One Bunk Room in the Albergue Sto. AntónioOne Bunk Room in the Albergue Sto. António

The shared shower facilities were down the stairs, outside and around the back. The kitchen facilities were also downstairs, and quite well-appointed. The courtyard, below, was calling out an invitation to cook on this sunny and glorious day. 

Porto 71 Kilometers From Here, SDC, 312!Porto 71 Kilometers From Here, SDC, 312!

Fortunately, there is a Lidl supermarket only 1/3 kilometer back down the street we had come. 

And much to our pleasure, our Aussie friends, Christine and Chris were staying at the hotel! While we had not seen them along the Camino Portugués on day eleven, but we ran into them hanging out clothes to dry on the community line. They had arrived just before us. 

We invited them to dinner, which we cooked. A large salad, bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic, and pasta with sauteed chicken, drenched in olive oil, garlic and parmesan cheese sauce. And of course, Portuguese wine! It was an unforgettable evening!

Our Australian friends were fast becoming true friends!

Elle, Christine, Rich and Chris ~ Dinner on the TerraceElle, Christine, Rich and Chris ~ Dinner on the Terrace

Reflections on Day Eleven, Camino Portugués

I must say, that this was the worst day so far on our Camino. 

All-in-all both Rich and I were satisfied that we had already done a lot of our own "junk" clearing. In the Scandinavian culture they call this "death cleaning." It simply means that you clear out your belongings so when you die, your children don't have to! 

Rich and I had already simplified to the max, downsizing just about everything in our home. We live in a small cabin in the mountains of southern Colorado, and there is not a lot of room for much!

We had just finished cleaning out Rich's mother's home, of 90 years of living! It was an extremely difficult task, and we would not wish it on anyone!

The small problem, is that now we had also inherited quite a few of his mother's things, that we just couldn't throw or give away. Things that we thought might have some value. They are still sitting in our small storage shed. Something to tackle when we get home.  

We decided that our purpose for this Camino, was to walk together and yet alone. We needed to just be, to just be present to something other than someone else's needs and to care for ourselves and our relationship.

We knew our purpose was still to care for Rich's mother when we got back, yet for me, I felt we needed to find more balance in this care. 

Being thrown suddenly into his mother's care meant cleaning out her home, moving her across the USA, finding placement near us, and meeting her physical and emotional needs as she transitioned from total independence to almost total care in a nursing facility.

All of this occurred so suddenly and unexpectedly in our lives that it had thrown us out of balance. The Camino was helping us discuss how we would find this balance once again, upon our return home. 

I had been very happy with my holistic health coaching website and my Pilgrimage Traveler musings. They were both creating a very small income, but more importantly they were the full expressions of me.

Rich was happily involved in volunteering for the local fire department, working a myriad of projects on our ranchette and now, absorbed in the care of his mother.

We chatted long and hard about how our lives were going to look when we got home. I really didn't even want to think about it much. I just wanted to enjoy the walk, the time alone, the time together, and now also making wonderful new friends with the Australian couple. 


May your own day eleven on the Camino Portugués be filled with contemplation and insight on how you can clean out your own life, how to simplify, balance and fine tune the discovery of your unique purpose!

Downloadable Camino Portugués eBooks in PDF Format ~ Get Your Copy Today!  Don't carry a hard copy guide book to increase your pack weight. Use our digital guides on your next Camino instead. 

The Variante Espiritual is Brand-New, Hot off my writing desk!

The Lisbon to Porto eBook is now updated to include the brand new boardwalk route along the river on the first day out of Lisbon!

And the Journey Continues:

~ Lisbon to Porto

~ Porto to Santiago Via the Coastal Route and/or the Sendal Litoral

~ Porto to Santiago Via the Central Route

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Have you had a similar experience, have some advice to give, or have something else you'd like to share? We would love to hear from you! Please leave us a comment in the box below.

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Carbon Trekking Poles

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